Color and Style Analysis

Color and Style Analysis

Color Wheel for Color AnalysisYou are unique and so is your coloring. Your skin, hair, and eyes differ from anyone else’s coloring making you who YOU are! Wearing your right color can make you look and feel your best as well as bring out your confidence. During your color analysis, your Stoltz Image Consultant will start with over 2,000 color samples and select the 100 that suit you best. You receive a personalized fan of color swatches that you can take with you when you are shopping for clothing, accessories, and cosmetics. Your color fan will make shopping easy, allowing you to eliminate 75% of the items that are not the right color for you. Your clothing colors will no longer speak for you first but the color of your clothing will harmonize with your natural coloring. When you walk into a room, we want to see you and your beauty, not your clothes. Our consultant will talk to you in depth about which colors are your best colors. A color analysis is great for anyone who would like to look their best.

Every body is unique and beautiful. Knowing how to choose the right clothing for your body will instantly boost your appearance. During the style analysis, Stoltz Image Consultant will help you to determine which clothing styles, proportions, lengths, fabric, and accessories are right for your body. We want to focus on your assets and de-emphasize the parts of your body that make you feel self-conscience. You will walk away with a better understanding of how to dress your body to look your best. 

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